
Showing posts from April, 2018

Master your Interval Trainings for a Better Weight Loss

Any workout regime that involves intense physical activity followed by a period of active rest can be termed as part of Interval training . Hence it becomes quite a necessity to maintain a countdown of both the phases, manually or using a work out app . The active rest period is the very essence of an Interval training which focuses on weight loss. It is in this phase when your heart rate, after under-going through a series of spikes, tends to go down. This resting period needs to be tracked very effectively, as this is where your body recovers for the next set of intense exercises, and this is how you lose weight doing an interval training ! So how do you track your active rest intervals? If your answer is Stopwatch, believe us, you deserve a better interval countdown timer like Shredder. This app offers its users high level of flexibility and customizations in terms of the workout intervals so that they can carve out the best results out of each routine. This app is...

Your Ultimate Solution to Fitness– HIIT

In this fast-paced world, it has become very difficult to maintain a healthy life. Some people can motivate themselves to take up a Gym membership, while others choose the option of using a work out app . Whatever maybe their go-to method for maintaining fitness, the bitter truth is – not all of them are able to stick to those methods due to lack of time. Fitness becomes very important if your goals include fat-loss. HIIT (High-intensity interval training) sessions target exactly this issue. It is an anywhere -anytime workout routine in which sessions can be tracked and monitored by just an interval timer or a fitness timer .The whole sessions of an HIIT routine lasts maximum 15 mins and can be done by just following a work out app . HIIT is a boon for many individuals, as it saves their time and provides the intended results quickly as compared to anhour-long work-out session at gym or home. HIITis ideal for fitness enthusiasts having goals of both fat loss and weight...